Thursday, 30 July 2015

PP Press: WISDOM for ABUNDANCE to Be Released

PP Press is to release a new book in early september...

title: WISDOM for ABUNDANCE 《丰盛的智慧》 
author: Zhang Xinyue 张馨月
translator: Yuan Changming 袁昌明
publisher: PP Press [IBSN 978-0-9919298-5-6]

the original chinese version of this book was published by huaxia press (beijing) in january 2015. popular as it is among chinse readers, this book is one of the 6 authored thus far by Ms Zhang Xinyue, a highly inspiring and influential spiritual leader who, with a master's degree in world economics, has hundreds of thousands of students or close followers in mainland china, korea, taiwan and japan.

this is a book about how to achieve/live an 'abundant' life through spiritual cultivation. as i understand it, such an 'abundant' life is characterized by physical and psychological health as well as materialistic success.

this book is a collection of words of wisdom, a collection of reflective/philosophical poetry about spiritual cultivation, so to speak. categorized as a 'body, mind and spirit' book, this work will be the second among Ms Zhang's to be published in english.

PP Press will publish this book bilingually, both in english and chinese, so that whoever interested in learning chinese or english can hopefully use it as a 'text' book.

PP Press has just signed contracts with both the author representative and the printer in shenzhen. as in the case of last book CREATE ABUNDANCE, we plan to print 30,000 copies to begin with. but this time, we will leave 10,000 copies in shenzhen for future global distribution, and import the other 20,000 copies to vancouver. again, PP Press will not be responsible for distribution.

hope everything will turn out as planned...