This is to announce that the first bilingual (English-Chinese) edition of Wisdom for Abundance 《丰盛的智慧》, authored by Zhang Xinyue and translated by Yuan Changming, has just been released and will become available anytime after 19 September!
- For more information on Create Abundance as an institution,
please visit its English website at
- To place a purchase order, please call David at 778/929-8808 or Emily at 604/ 349 - 9190 (English or Chinese);
- Here are the covers and first few pages of the book::
Based on her microblog postings, this book is a collection
of Teacher Xinyue’s words of wisdom concerning body-mind-spirit cultivation.
in a simple language, the book progresses to touch the very soul of the reader.
All crystalized into these concise and precise words are its thematic concerns
about the heart and soul, about awareness and transformation, about love and
gratitude, about the creation of wealth, about intimate relationships, about
influence, about self-healing, about happiness, about practice, about matter
and energy, about the micro and the macro, about the internal and external
abundance as well as about manifestation. While reading it, one will experience
some internal changes, feel the excitement, and smile with an understanding
include “Self-Relieving Approaches to Creating Abundance’ . Teacher Xinyue
encourages every individual to grow through self-help. Now it is time to
practice being your own mentor and learn to transform awareness into wisdom
autonomously by asking yourself questions.
創造豐盛 /01 Creating Abundance /02
希望 /03 Hope
主線 /05 Mainline /06
創造者 /07 The
Creator /08
修行 /11 Spiritual
Practice /12
成長 /13 Growth
額外的禮物 /15 Extra Gift /16
伴侶 /17 Companion
殺手 /19 The Killer
直接 /21 Directness
自由與糾結 /23 Freedom and Bewilderment
遇見自己 /25 Self-Encounter
感動 /27 Feeling
Touched /28
愛與奇跡 /29 Love and Miracles /30
愛與崇敬 /31 Love
and Veneration /32
清理 /33 Clearing
Up /34
尊道 /35 Following
the Way /36
决定 /37 Making
the Decision /38
违逆 /39 Offence
抗拒 /41 Resistance /42
不同 /43 Dissimilarity /44
責怪與承認 /45 Blaming
and Admitting /46
在關系裡修行 /47 Practice within a
Relationship /48
我願意改變 /49 I
Am Willing to Change /50
自在 /51 At
Ease /52
三大惡人 /53 Three Kinds of Evil Persons /54
厚道自有天助 /55 The
Kind-Hearted Get Divine Help /56
自毀功德林 /57 Your
Grove of Charitable Deeds /58
意義與目的 /59 Significance
and Purpose /60
貪婪的代價 /61 The
Cost of Greed /62
耐心 /63 Patience
坦白 /65 Frankness
提升 /67 Uplifting
面對限制 /69 In Front of Restrictions
就快要好了 /71 Almost Achieving the Goal /72
已達成 /73 The
Goal Already Accomplished /74
緊 /75 Tightness
面對 /77 Confronting
選擇 /79 Choosing 80
無法終止 /81 Failure to Put an End
回頭 /83 Turning
Back /84
洗滌 /85 Cleansing
重歸初心 /87 Returning to Our
Original Heart /88
奇跡 /89 Miracles
成為管道 /91 Becoming Channels /92
願望的頻率 /93 The Frequency of Wishes
狠狠的決定 /95 A
Resolute Decision /96
必然 /97 Necessity
高靈 /99 Master
有神的生活 /101 A Life Embracing God
決定 /103 Deciding
感恩宇宙 /105 Be Grateful to the
Cosmos /106
靈魂的滋養 /107 Nurturing
the Soul /108
演繹 /109 Deduction
放下 /111 Letting Go
創造 /113 Creating
聽真話 /115 Listening to
the Truth / 116
更新 /117 Upgrading
寬恕 /119 Forgiving
意識與能量 /121 Consciousness and Energy
物質與靈性 /123 Substance and Spirituality /124
專注所願 /125 Focusing on What You
Wish /126
編程 /127 Programming
正面 /129 Positivity
現在,現在!/131 Now,
Now! /132
改變 /133 Changing
必然 /135 Necessity
無窮盡 /137 Indefinitely
愉悅 / 139 Delightful
盡情渴望 /141 Passionate Desire /142
行動 /143 Action /144
獨特 /145 Uniqueness
能量交換 /147 Energy Exchange /148
放下迫切 /149 Stop Being Urgent /150
偉大由平凡開始 /151 Greatness
Starts from the Ordinary /152
照亮 /153 Illuminating
目標 /155 Goals /156
通天途徑 /157 The Gateway /158
溝通 /159 Communication
園滿 /161 Perfectness
面對自己 /163 Confronting /164
比 /165 Comparing
萬有流過的空無 /167 Emptiness
for All to Flow Through /168
布施 /169 Donating
方向盤 /171 Steering
奉獻者 /173 The
Contributor /174
邪路 /175 The Wrong Path /176
選擇提升 /177 Choosing
Elevation /178
夢想 /179 Dreams
寒門貴子 /183 Celebrities
from Poor Families /184
格局 /185 Inner
Constitution /186
沒事兒 /187 It Does Not
Matter /188
改變 /189 Changing
覺察 /191 Perceiving
負面 /193 The
Negative Side /194
幼稚的逆反 /197 Childish
Rebellion /198
愛 /199 Love /200
恆定意圖 /201 Unwavering Intention /202
死結 /205 Fast Knot
我願意 /207 I Am Willing
困難 /209 Difficulty
稀有 /211 Rarity /212
一… 就 … /213 The
Moment… /214
面具 /215 Mask
男人的成長時代 /217 The Epoch for Men to Grow /218
感恩 /219 Gratitude
無限豐盛 /221 Boundless Abundance /222
盤點收獲 /223 Inventorying the Gains
制造問題 /225 Creating
Problems /226
做决定 /227 Decision
Making /228
承認 /229 Admitting
創造 /231 Creating
突破限制 /233 Making a Breakthrough
神跡 /235 Miracles
安全感 /239 Sense of
Security /240
氣象 /241 Meteorology
靈性與財富 /243 Spirituality and Wealth /244
宇宙法則 /245 The Principles of the
Cosmos /246
轉念 /249 The
Change of an Idea /250
轉識成智 /251 Changing
Awareness to Wisdom /252
豐盛的源頭 /253 The
Wellspring of Abundance /254
優雅的蕩漾 /255 Swaying
Elegantly /256
臣服 /257 Surrender
痛苦 /259 Pain /260
彰顯美好 /261 Manifesting What Is
Beautiful /262
清淨 /263 Peaceful
通靈 /265 Connecting
to Spirituality /266
鄙視 /267 Disdain /268
不忘本 /269 Remembering
Your Roots /270
欲望 /271 Desire
迷失 /273 Feeling Lost
真實的自我 /275 The Authentic Selfhood
游戲 /277 Game
無語 /279 Speechless
瞬間 /281 Instant /282
贊美 /283 praise /284
真勇士 /285 True
Warriors /286
呈現 /287 Presenting
問自己 /289 Asking
Yourself /290
到達未來 /291 Arriving at the Future
信念 /293 Beliefs
新願望 /295 New Wish
開啟 /297 Opening /298
功課 /299 Task /300
面對 /301 Facing
不完美,但有效 /303 Imperfect,
But Efficacious /304
附錄(一)豐盛筆記 /305
APPEND.(1) Notes on Riches /306
附錄(二)自我疏導, 轉識成智 /349
APPEN. (2) Self-Relieving,
Turning Awareness to Wisdom /350
附錄(三)分享 /383
APPEND.(3) Sharing /384
as i am to stay between now and the end of october in my native place in china where i have no internet access, Poetry Pacific Press, as well as Poetry Pacific will take a vacation until then.
happy reading/writing!
with all best for a great golden autumn,
as i am to stay between now and the end of october in my native place in china where i have no internet access, Poetry Pacific Press, as well as Poetry Pacific will take a vacation until then.
happy reading/writing!
with all best for a great golden autumn,